Deniz Tek

Deniz Tek en concert à Paris (La Dame de Canton ), le 27 janvier 2023. Toutes les informations pratiques (tarifs, billetterie, plan de salle) pour ce concert sont à retrouver sur cette page. Réservez dès maintenant vos places pour assister à ce concert à Paris !

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  Deniz was born and grew up in Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). He started playing guitar in 1964 at age 12, had his first band at age 13 and spent his teenage years on the Ann Arbor / Detroit rock scene of the late 60’s. He was particularly influenced by seeing local bands such as the Rationals, the Stooges and the MC5, as well as by seeing the Rolling Stones in Detroit in 1969. In 1971, at age 19, he moved to Australia where he formed his first gigging band “TV Jones”.


La Dame de Canton - Paris 75013 Paris

Dates et horaires :

  • Vendredi 27 Janvier 2023 à 20h30

Tarifs :

A partir de 18 €

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