Los Mirlos

Los Mirlos en concert à Paris (Pan Piper ), le 12 juillet 2024. Toutes les informations pratiques (tarifs, billetterie, plan de salle) pour ce concert sont à retrouver sur cette page. Réservez dès maintenant vos places pour assister à ce concert à Paris !

The iconic band Los Mirlos is well known for their incredible psychedelic Peruvian Cumbia that they have been playing since the 70's, representing a musical legacy that cannot be mistaken. "Los Mirlos" are the creators of a unique sound, a collage of different melodies and memories that will never be forgotten, kept alive thanks to their constant work and innovation. They have spread a musical message and the Amazonian culture all over the world. Their music never gets old thanks to the love of their fans all over the world who consider it a musical treasure and for that Los Mirlos will be forever thankful.


Pan Piper - Paris 75011 Paris

Artiste :

Dates et horaires :

  • Vendredi 12 Juillet 2024 à 20h

Tarifs et billetterie :

A partir de 44,90 €

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