Conference on syrian refugee integration : Between formalities & realities

For so long the media obsessed over the refugee crisis and focused on the situation in Syria- yet, at present the press seems to have gone silent on the topic. What has happened to Syrian refugees? How are they managing to integrate? Have they found secure situations in Europe? If these are questions you have been asking yourself, it is with great pleasure that we invite you to our conference on Syrian Refugees’ Integration in the Alsace-Kehl region: Between Formalities and realities.

On May 3rd, at 16:00, you have an amazing opportunity to learn, reflect and debate on this topic with our valuable panel of speakers.

Each speaker will shed light upon different aspects of the subject:

- Prof. Samim Akgönül (University of Strasbourg & CNRS Researcher) -> 2016 EU-Turkey Deal;
- Mickaël Kuhn (Alsace Terre D’acceuil) -> On Alsace-Syrie, Refugee-Aid, and how you can get involved locally;
- Aurore Wenner & Robyn Tropf (Kehl local government) -> Integration realities just across the border in Kehl;
- Ibrahim Al Bassri & Adeeb Esper Al Shammas -> personal integration experiences in Strasbourg

The conference will be held in "Salle des Conférence" at MISHA, University of Strasbourg.

Free entrance


Université de Strasbourg (UDS - Unistra) 67000 Strasbourg

Dates et horaires :

Mercredi 3 Mai 2017 de 16h à 18h45

Tarifs :


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